Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Bear With This Blog

Since I am taking two Creative Writing classes this semester I'm supposed to put in 30 mins of work in for each class every day. What this means is while the material on here may and indeed be more frequent it will also be incomplete thoughts, scattered visions, and very personal. So I probably won't announce every time I add something on here. Just the things I deem worthy enough to press some extra buttons for. There will be stream of consciousness, short stories, and a lot, and I mean a lot, of poetry. I can only conclude that as my posts become more frequent so will my readership, and that's okay. I mostly like to write on here so if my computer crashes I'll at least have some scrapes for a portfolio.

This first post was an exercise called Expert where you had to explain in some shape or form what makes you unique. What experiences or knowledge makes you a human, an individual, and shows your soul. This is what came out and besides some of the grammar and spelling it's my scribble verbatim.

I know The Pogues were nothing without Shane MacGowan and that my hometown prides itself on peanuts. I know the exact date girls start to wear their spring dresses, but I won't tell a soul and you'll just have to find out for yourself. I know that some projectionists sit on a solitary toilet in there booth and wait for the change over with a book. I know because I've seen it, and no one comes back from that. I know Swamp Thing is not the same as the Creature from the Black Lagoon, and have never heard someone even mention the two in the same sentence, but I know it all the same. I know you should never trust a burger joint waitress with a smile, and that banks give out lollipops to anybody who asks. No matter how old. I know I don't know how to shoot a gun, but that squirrel surely crawled off and died in a hole when I was 12. I know it's okay to walk on graves if you apologize in a whisper, and that you should never take an arrowhead that doesn't belong to you. Which includes them all. I know all the U.S. Presidents in order, but I don't vote and maybe never will. I don't know what team is playing on the screens in the bar, but I can tell by their hands who is going home with who. I know that Bart Simpson and I will never grow old or die, and sometimes the sky is green in Chicago right before the rain. I know that I'll never look good in anything but a tux, and the few times a year I wear one I know that every compliment I get is hard to take, but heartfelt, and exactly right.

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